Hello. I thought I'd start a blog. Why do you care? You don't. But, I thought it's a good excuse to get my creative juices flowing, and if you or anyone else has the smallest bit of interest in any of my posts then I'll mark that as a win.
My intentions are to release a new post every Friday. As a freelance video editor, expect me to write about delights such as projects I've been working on; things that have inspired me across the production-sphere; TV shows and films that I've enjoyed and other somewhat-related-to-my-job topics. Who knows, even you might get a mention if I see you post something half-decent for once!
I also don't want these posts to be long. They should act as little snacks of information for your brain to eat while you're browsing social media. And with that, I'll knock this introduction on the head as it's already too long. Not one more wor...